Creative design work for effective OOH advertising 101

Written by Noluthando Ngubo | Graphic Designer & Marketing for Billboard Finder

Okay, so you have located your perfect billboard space and have signed all the paperwork and secured it with the media owner or Billboard Finder sales team. Now its time to be creative and use the left side of the brain to get your advertising message across to your target audience.

Here are a few guidelines to ensuring that your OOH campaign hits home and speaks to your audience:

Get to The Point

Aim for seven words or less. If that seems impossible, aim for one really strong visual and your logo that speaks a thousand words.

Contrast is Key

When working with fonts, backgrounds, images, or colours, maintain a level of contrast that keeps your OOH design legible and engaging from a distance.

One Message Only

Make sure your audience knows the one thing that will get them to react the way you want them to. Too many messages or objectives will confuse and distract your audience from your desired goal.

Make it A Campaign

Avoid using one design. Always enhance your message and campaign with multiple designs. There's nothing worse than being bored to death by the same design that covers an entire city. Keep consumers interested by showing all your brand has to offer.

One Point of Contact

Try to stick to one or less. It's hard to write a phone number down, so we recommend a just using your company website details. Keep in mind that people will just Google the company name.

Short Dwell Time

Keep in mind that the average dwell time for a road time static billboard is approx. 7 to 10 seconds and for digital it is even less at 3 to 5 seconds. Keep your design short sweet and impactful.

Get help with your OOH campaign by getting in touch with support@billboardfinder or contact 012 665 5933 and spea to Nolo to assist you with your design work at a small fee.

What is Billboard Finder exactly?

What is Billboard Finder exactly?

Firstly, thank you for visiting our site!

You may be wondering to yourself what does this website do for my business? (Media Owner and prospective advertiser)

Within the South African market, there are numerous billboard or Out of Home (industry term) players and this creates a problem of choice for the potential advertiser. So, this platform assists you the advertiser in finding a billboard near your desired location on a map or by searching an area and then getting the Media Owners contact details and getting the best price for your advertising space. (No advertising brokers or middlemen required.

Billboard Finder is currently free for Media Owners to use and market their available holding with us until the site gets enough listings and traction in the course of 2018. At that point, Billboard Finder will be charging a nominal monthly listing fee to media owners wanting to list their sites with us.

The benefit of this platform is it allows Media Owners to have a digital presence in the extremely online world we find ourselves today. It also gives advertisers the benefit of searching for available sites on a one-stop platform and get in touch with the owners themselves to conclude a deal.

No mess, No fuss just available billboard space on!